NFP Resources for Priests and Parish Leaders

Thank you to all priests and deacons who support couples by spreading the good news of natural family planning. We have compiled some NFP resources below to help you in your ministry.

NFP: The Natural Choice Video Series

Created with “clergy preparing engaged couples for marriage” in mind, this video series is an excellent resources for you! They cover topics of how NFP relates to family planning, building strong relationships, and women’s health. Please share these videos (5-8 minutes in length) with your engaged couples to help explain the beauty and value of NFP as shared by real couples and healthcare professionals. 

Homily Library

This is a collection of homilies about NFP-related topics provided for your reference when preparing your own homilies. We particularly encourage preaching on the beauty of NFP around NFP Awareness Week (last week in July) as the anniversary of the release of Humanae Vitae is July 25th.

Suggestions for Mother’s and Father’s Day Observances

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day can be triggers for many women and men who have known the pain of miscarriage, infertility, death, and even estrangement. The Office of Natural Family Planning invites you to empathetically consider all men and women who have nurtured in some way during your parish’s blessing. 

Beyond the Wedding Day – NFP Resources for Priests and Parish Leaders

Use this guide when talking to couples with different fertility-related issues including: Engaged Couples, Touched by Infertility, Miscarriage and Stillbirth, Contracepting Couples. It is designed to be an easy reference for individual topics as well as a comprehensive guide to the resources available to you and your parishioners. Additionally, it includes several resources and programs offered by the Office of NFP.